An Android GPS app, often called Android tracking-location apps, is a small software application that is installed on any cell phone using the Android OS. This includes many of the hot new cell phones such as the Verizon DROID, HTC DROID Incredible, Nexus One, My Touch 3G, Motorola BackFlip, and many many more.
Once installed, the Android GPS app logs GPS coordinates of the Android cell phone. The GPS logs are then uploaded to an online account where you can log on and view the specific location of the Android cell phone you are tracking.
Many of the Android tracking apps found on the Android app store reveal to the user they are being tracked, but there are several that remain hidden, thus providing a suspicious spouse an excellent way to track their partner to determine if they are cheating.
What makes Android GPS apps so popular as an easy and effective way to catch a cheating spouse, is due to the following reasons.
Quick to install. Tracking apps are very easy to install. All it takes is typing in a URL provided by the vendor, and the tracking software is downloaded directly into the cellphone. Additional set up and configuration is required, but it's very minimal.
Always with you. We all carry our cell phones wherever we go. Using a tracking app that is installed directly on the cell phone is the best way to keep a constant watch on your spouse.
Extremely affordable. These apps are very affordable ranging from free to $150 USD. Obviously you get what you pay for, so make sure you shop around. The more expensive apps tend to remain hidden on the cell phone, thus enabling you to secretly track your spouse.
Easy to use. Tracking software is very easy to use. Once they are set up, you most likely will never have to touch your spouses cell phone. All you do is sit back and view the tracking logs on any internet connected PC.
Lots of other spy options. The most expensive apps go way beyond tracking. These apps, sometimes referred to as spy apps enable you to not only track your spouse, but also read their text messages, view their call records, view photos snapped on their cell, and even listen to their calls.
To purchase an Android GPS app, you need to first know if you want stealth GPS tracking or will you notify your spouse that you are
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